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Writing In The Real World

Season 2, Episode 2

In this season of Writing In The Real World

I'm interviewing guests in a variety of professions to learn

how good writing plays a part in jobs you might be interested in exploring.

[Podcast cover art]

In this episode, I'll be talking with mortgage broker Andrea Glover.

By the end, you'll know exactly what communication skills matter most and three things you can do to improve your writing skills today.

Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/qihGJVYUSn8

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Who is Andrea Glover?

Andrea Glover is the owner and associate Mortgage Broker of DLC CME Heartland West Mortgages.

She's been in the mortgage industry for over 12 years and loves her career.

Although she enjoys the math involved with getting people their dream homes, she's also had to develop her writing skills.

Andrea estimates that 95% of the communication involved with the job is by email.

In this episode, she'll share the three writing skills that have made the biggest difference in her business.

In this episode...

1. A day in the life of a mortgage broker.

Exactly how much writing is involved?

Listen to this clip to find out what a day looks like for Andrea.

2. It's not all math!

Although Andrea did start out pursuing a business degree, being a mortgage broker is about more than the math.

Find out how her story-writing skills can make or break a deal!

3. Master these three skills.

Andrea says these three writing skills are essential.

1. Choosing your words carefully.

2. Formatting your writing and using correct grammar and spelling.

3. Rereading your email three times before you send it!

Where to find Andrea:

Website: www.heartlandwest.ca.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrea-glover-6a92933b

Email: andrea@heartlandwest.ca

Phone: 403-652-9475

If you'd like help mastering the writing skills Andrea mentioned,

sign up for the free 7-Step Writing Jumpstart Kit™.

In the Jumpstart Kit™, you'll find everything you need

to walk you through the writing process

from deciding what to write to polished copy.

Type your email below to get the FREE 7-Step Writing Jumpstart Kit™.