
December 29, 2018

November and December can be tough months. Less light and cold weather. I don't love walking around outside in the cold, so it also means less outside time. The closer it is to Christmas, the more I need a recharge. A time to take a breath, regroup, and remember the things I love to do. 

In the busyness of fall, I often forget to do the things I enjoy doing. By mid-December, as schedules change, I realize that I've forgotten to take care of myself while caring for others. I've learned to slow down and take a breath. It's hard. It feels unproductive and lazy. Not so. Because I have been taking some time to breathe over the last few weeks, I feel my mental energy returning. My idea factory is warming up. I remember why I love to do the things I love to do. I promise myself to do them regularly this year.

Have you had a chance to recharge recently?

Are you ready for the fresh start of the new year?

What have you promised yourself you'd do regularly this year?