The Friendly Feedback Framework™

March 01, 2021

One of the surest ways to become a better writer is by receiving feedback. Good feedback helps you avoid writing errors you might not be aware of and gives you a different perspective on your writing.

The Friendly Feedback Framework™ offers a simple way to ask for and get the feedback you need to take your writing to the next level.

The Friendly Feedback Framework™ is all about choices. You'll make three important choices to make sure you receive feedback you can trust and use.

These are the three choices you'll make:

  • Who do I want to get feedback from?
  • What kind of feedback do I want?
  • Which feedback should I apply?

In this article, we'll introduce you to the framework so that you can see its power.

Choice #1: The Feedback Giver

It's essential to choose the right person to give you feedback. You don't just want a random opinion - you want specific, actionable feedback to improve your writing.

Here are some suggestions for who to ask:

  • A tutor or teacher in a relevant field
  • Subject-matter expert
  • A classmate who is doing well in the field
  • Colleague or supervisor
  • An active reader/writer

Action Step:

Choose three people who fit the list above and reach out for help.

Choice #2 - Feedback Questions

If you've ever had a composition returned to you full of red ink, you may be hesitant to ask for feedback. Good news! You're only going to get specific feedback based on the questions you ask.

Here's how to ask for direct feedback:

  • Limit yourself to 3 specific questions (examples below.)
  • Stick to YES or NO questions only.

Here are 10 example questions (choose three from this list or make up your own.)

  1. Did I correctly use commas in complex sentences?
  2. Do my paragraphs follow the topic, details, transition structure?
  3. Does my conclusion summarize the main points of the composition?
  4. Does my composition flow logically from beginning to end?
  5. Do I have a strong hook in the introduction?
  6. Does each body paragraph have a clear topic sentence?
  7. Do my examples support my main points?
  8. Do the facts support my argument?
  9. Does each line of dialogue move the story forward?
  10. Is the report correctly formatted?

The more specific you can be when requesting feedback, the easier it is for the feedback giver, and the easier it will be for you to apply the feedback you receive.

Action Step:

Choose three questions from the list above and email them to the three people you've chosen to ask for help. Be specific!

Choice #3 - Implementation

Take all the feedback you get with a grain of salt. Ultimately, they're just suggestions. Whether you implement them is up to you.

Action Step:

Take a weekend to incorporate your editors' suggestions into a second draft of your piece!

Using the Friendly Feedback Framework™ is the fastest way to improve your writing. It will help you decide who to ask and what you should ask to get the feedback you need to take your writing to the next level.